Local Food Goals & Statistics
The current goal in North Carolina is to have 10% of all food income to be local foods. Agriculture is North Carolina's largest industry. Agriculture in North Carolina contributes $70 Billion annually, makes up 18% of the State's income, and creates 17% of the jobs. There are 52,400 farmers in our state who grow over 80 different items every day, using 8.6 million of the state's 31 million acres.
How Can We Buy Local?
Our state has a Farmers Market in just about every county, plus a state wide farmers market in Raleigh. Farmers and consumers use these markets to buy and sell local foods. The State Farmers Market is located at 1201 Agriculture Street Raleigh, NC 27603 and is easily accessible from the State Fairgrounds.

Discovering Local Foods

Farmers Market Website (Click Here)
Farm Facts